Buddy Kelly

Buddy Kelly

Buddy Kelly

Buddy Kelly

Buddy Kelly

Age: 3 years
Diagnosis: Holistic Treatments
​​​​​​​Breed: Mixed

I had looked at each puppy cage with care but the puppy eyes staring out at me had yet to melt my heart. That is until I came to the cage of one sad looking pup. His eyes told a story of sorrow and I reached out to his cage, opened it, and stuck my hand in. Instantly I was met with one exuberant puppy; he was licking my arms, wagging his tail and I soon found him in my arms. He was the one.

Three days later, Christmas Day, in fact, the one puppy that stole my heart was soon breaking it. Buddy had parvo and his outlook was not very good. After a week in ICU at the first vet hospital we could find, Buddy recovered, though it was not easy sailing after that.

Countless visits followed; mites, allergies, yeast infections, chronic ear infections. Fed up with our (then) current vet who only seemed to want to pump more chemicals that were already not working into Buddy, I began my search for a new vet.

Dr. Gilman was the first doctor we saw at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center and boy did he have his work cut out for him. He listened to our rants and raves and walked along with us on our journey. We tried different medicines and approaches and also began to see Dr. Utchen when Dr. Gilman wasn't available. He too, listened to our long list of woes.

Finding ourselves still frustrated at the lack of results, but certainly not with the doctors who were actually listening to us (as no longer were steroids being pushed, and not only did my husband and I want a solution, but so did the doctors which was a welcome relief itself). I started to do more research and then made an appointment to see Dr. Easton. By this time I had begun a small list of holistic regimens, such as a raw diet, in the hopes of aiding Buddy on his road to health. With the advocacy of Dr. Easton and support of Dr. Utchen we began a new regimen that included Traditional Chinese Medicine.

There were many questions that arose along the way, but I am happy to report that Buddy has never been healthier or happier. Check-ups with both doctors end on happy notes and both doctors remain supportive and patient, as my questions have surely not stopped.

​​​​​​​People often ask why we travel "so far" to see our vet, and maybe sometimes they think "oh those crazy dog people." Honestly, I really do not see any other option. We are treated like family at Bishop and it is because of the hard work and patience of Dr. Gilman, Dr. Utchen, and Dr. Easton that we have a happy, healthy dog- we couldn't ask for more and the Kelly clan is forever grateful. *** Client

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