




Age: 1 year
Diagnosis: Epilepsy
Breed: Domestic Medium Hair

Diagnosis: Epilepsy

​​​​​​​Tango was one of 4 kittens born to a feral cat living in a Livermore neighborhood. His mother had broken into an attic through a hole in the wall and had 4 kittens. Two fell into the wall and had to be cut out. Traps were set to capture mom and the remaining two kittens, but she was smart and moved them underneath a neighbor's house. It took several weeks to trap Tango as he became semi-feral due to the lack of human contact. Once trapped, Tango was in a foster home provided by Safe Cat Foundation where he was socialized, neutered, and provided with vaccinations.

Tango thrived in his foster home and was adopted out at 12-weeks-old. Not long after his adoption, Tango began twitching. His condition eventually progressed to grand mal seizures. Unfortunately, the family that adopted Tango already had a special-needs pet and it was too much for them to keep him, so he was returned.

Tango's seizures were frequent and severe. He was eventually diagnosed by Dr. Michele Dodd with Epilepsy – a very rare disease in young cats. Following months of veterinary visits, lots of telephone calls, and numerous tests and trials with medications, Tango's epilepsy was finally controlled. Safe Cat Foundation funded these medical expenses to diagnose and treat his epilepsy so that he was not euthanized. Tango's treatment includes two medications, 3 times a day... for life. On medication, Tango lived like a normal kitten -- he was active, playful and loving. Best of all, Tango was seizure free.

Tango is now over a year old and was recently adopted into his forever home. He is still playful, energetic, and very happy. He loves dogs, cats, and children. Looking at Tango today, you would never know the severity of his epilepsy or to what extent his foster family, Safe Cat Foundation, and Dr. Michele Dodd went to in order to save his life. It is an amazing story of dedication, devotion, faith, and love.

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